Call Us (616) 570-0669

899 Rosewood St., Jenison MI 49428

Fiber Protector Of West Michigan
899 Rosewood St., Jenison MI 49428

Call Us (616) 570-0669

Contact Us

Fiber ProTector of West Michigan
899 Rosewood St
Jenison MI 49428
Phone: (616) 570-0669

Fiber ProTector of West Michigan is the regional licensed applicator of the worlds most  technically advanced environmentally safe textile protector for fine rugs and fabrics. Through Fiber ProTector® Carpet protection and Fiber ProTector® Textile protection, we have a revolutionary system that encapsulates every fiber in the fabric. This prevents dirt and fluids from penetrating and sticking to the fabric.

Unlike many fabric protection services, Fiber ProTector of West Michigan does not farm out our spot cleaning or protection services. We provide all the services to protected pieces ourselves. John has 30 years of cleaning experience in West Michigan, so it is quite rare to come across a spot or stain we cannot improve.

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